Both Cooper and Chica received a little extra treat on Valentine's Day……two walks to the beach on the same day instead of just one!
Although Chica's paw continues to heal from her barnacle experience at Piper's Lagoon, her mood had been somewhat somber over the past few days. The discomfort of the cut in her pad took it's toll in terms of tempering her energy. She often looked so sad and disheartened, knowing that she wasn't up to her full capabilities on her daily walks, getting her exercise or playing on the beach.
She slept more than usual and, when she wasn't sleeping, she'd lay on her bed and look at me through those deep black eyes with a questioning look...... Mom when can I go out again? Cooper decided to follow suit.
Typically my mornings begin with him standing quietly beside the bed, patiently wagging his tail to greet me as I wake up and to remind me that he's ready for his first pee.
When I open my eyes, my first actions are to say ‘thank you’ for the new day, turn the light on and cuddle/pet the pups good morning from the edge of my bed. I give kisses on their noses, ask how they slept and tell them I love them.
Usually Cooper leads me towards the back door at which point I say to him 'go pee, come right back and stay in the yard'.
This week however, when I turned on the light there were no wagging tails alongside my bed, or Cooper’s piercing golden eyes staring back at me. There was nothing! No pups and no greetings at all, which told me right away something was up.
I looked around and discovered Cooper sound asleep, curled up close to Chica with no sign of being ready to get up at all.
Strange, I thought as I carried on with my morning rituals. After my shower I was sure Cooper would be up and ready to go out. It's rare for him to wait past 6:00 a.m. to get on with things, yet here it was, well after 6 with still no sign of him stirring. Two hours later, finally! some signs of life. They were now ready to greet the day so we got ready for our reduced walk as Chica's paw is still not quite ready for our usual power walking pace.
I commented last blog about how impressed I was when Cooper set his walking pace to be in stride with hers. Now I was observing that his entire demeanor matched hers throughout the day with all of her activities. Her appetite was reduced and his appetite then became reduced. She slept more than usual and Cooper began sleeping more.
He laid alongside of her a number of times sharing a corner of her bed instead of curling up on his own. His compassionate support and empathy for her was evident throughout the days that she wasn't quite herself.
It was really quite something to observe.
Valentine’s Day is all about the focus of love. Celebrating romance, being smitten by the one you're in love with. It's a day that is about showing the lovers, friends, and family members how much you love them by sharing extra-special kindness, loving hugs, tender kisses, and warm embraces.
Cooper didn't offer Chica any tender kisses or smooches that I was aware of, however he did offer the utmost in special kindness, support, understanding and empathy. He was completely and totally in tune with her energy, her need to kick back, heal and lay low.
I've heard it said that it's a dog's world....... if Cooper’s actions are an indication of the values dogs embrace in their world, then I most definitely want to be a part of it.
The lessons continue..................
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