Introducing Cooper

Now that you’ve seen the title of the blog Conversations with Cooper, more than likely your next thought might be, well who the heck is Cooper?

You might also be wondering why is this woman posting lessons she’s learned about her dog and why is her dog so smart anyway? You may also be wondering many other questions equally as valid and my quest is to share some wonderful insights that I really have learned from my dog Cooper over the past six and half years that we’ve been connected as pet owner and pet.

To describe Cooper will take some time and it’s time that I’ll share over a number of posts. He’s just far too unique to encapsulate in one sitting. Cooper is without a doubt a character if ever I’ve known one.

Deeper than that, for those of you who can related to the spiritual side of life, I really honestly truly believe he is an ex lover from a previous life. The reason I make such an outlandish claim is because I’ve never before in all my years of pet lover and pet owner ever come across a more jealous, demanding and insecure dog.

Cooper picked our family not the other way around. My daughter Christine and I had actually had claimed a different puppy in the litter as ours from a phone call we made while setting sail for Alaska from Vancouver BC. The plan was that we’d be away a week and then when we returned we would come and pick up our bundle of joy and welcome him/her to the family and introduce them to Chica our then six month old Goldendoodle.

We’d decided that Chica needed a playmate in order to cut back my daily four hours walks with her to two hours so I could put more focus back into other things that needed my attention during the day.

From the moment we arrived this little brown bundle of energy kept coming over to me as I was crouched down on the grass and he kept gnawing on on my right arm.

He was insistent, incessant, cute, adorable, and infectious. I fell in love with him right away. “Christine” I said “he’s picking up we’ve got to take him.” ” No Mom, we said we’d take the other one and she’s been waiting all week for us to come and pick up the other puppy”. ” But Christine he’s SO cute and he want us, he’s picking us we have no choice”

Eventually I won out, or rather I guess Cooper won out and Cooper came home with us. Christine named him as she had Chica and the love affair between Cooper and Chica began.
Loving, kind, gentle, affectionate, playful and respectful they’ve been of one another right from the very start. Ii used to always say if they were human beings they’d have the best relationship ever as a couple because they so genuinely love each other so much.

Always excited to see one another even if it’s been less than five minutes that they’ve been separated, they truly deeply love one another.

From day one Cooper has insisted on being as close to me as he physically can throughout the day. He’s almost at times stuck to me like glue. He crawls underneath my desk, up on the bed alongside of me, up on the couch alongside of me when he can pull it off. Cooper follows me around the house room to room regardless of what I’m doing.

If I settle in to my desk to begin working and then decide I need to go grab a glass of water or something to munch on we both go together. There is never a sense of being alone when Cooper is around.

When he was a little pup he’d crawl under the gas pedal of the truck when we were getting settle in to go for a drive. Chica on the other hand was content to sit on the passenger seat all curled up looking as cute as could be, however for Cooper it wasn’t quite enough.

When he’s not getting all the attention he craves he’ll let it be known as loudly as he can that he’s not impressed. Mouthing off by barking at me or whining and howling at me to let me know his level of dissatisfaction and displeasure at me not giving him my complete and undivided attention.

This is a little bit of background of who Cooper is and how he fits into my life.
The lessons begin……..

Introducing Cooper